91. “The Personality/Insanity Continuum” By: Geoffrey Miller

The thing that attracted me to reading this essay was what happened in Colorado last week with the opening of the Dark Knight Rises and those shootings. The reason for me wanting to read this is because hearing what this man did killing all of those people and booby-trapping his own apartment shows that he obviously has some serious issues going on in his head. While insanity is a problem, I don’t feel like it should be an out in a shooting like this that can be used as leverage to get a lesser sentence. This guys lawyer clearly understands the 5 concepts discussed in this article and has told his client what needs to be done in the court room to seem even more insane than he already is. What is happening here really reminds be of what happened in Iowa 2 years ago when high school football coach Ed Thomas was killed and his murderer tried to play the insanity card to get off and while it didn’t work and he recieved the life sentence I feel he was very close to being released. My feelings with previous beliefs and after reading this are still that yes you may have insanity, but it is part of who you are with your personality and you need to learn how to live with it and control it.